Step 4: Payroll and Time Cards (preview)

meets the following DCAA Requirement:

  • Timekeeping system that identifies employees’ labor by cost objective


Sample excel time sheet


You will need to review your current timekeeping system, identify any deficiencies and make corrections. We discuss compliance requirements for DCAA timekeeping.  Payroll items are set up in Quickbooks. A sample time cards in entered into Quickbooks.  We provide a sample excel time card and recommend an electronic DCAA compliant timekeeping system.

DCAA requirements for timekeeping

DCAA will evaluate your timekeeping system to ensure that it meets their requirements for accuracy and internal controls.  Your timekeeping system may be "paper-based" or "electronic" but regardless of the type of system, the following requirements must be met:

  • Daily recording of time
  • Recording all hours worked even if it is more or less than a standard 8 hour day
  • Record all paid leave
  • Record all non-billable time worked
  • All employees must record time, including executives and owners who work in the company
  • Time sheets must be signed and dated by the employee
  • Time sheets must be reviewed, signed and dated by an approver or supervisor
  • Corrections to time sheets must be made by the employee, and then resigned by approver
  • Time sheets must display the project name, charge code or paid leave account used in the accounting system
  • Time sheets must be approved before payroll is run
  • Time sheets must be retained until contract close out

Sample Excel Time Card

Here is an example of an excel time sheet.  To properly use this template, you would need to print it to paper, and sign and date the paper copy, which should be retained for your records.

Download the excel time sheet template here.

(To continue reading the full article, click here . . .)

